Migrating website

Hello, If you are seeing this, the website may be inaccessible for a short period soon, as we are migrating to a new hosting provider that should be a better long-term solution to keep everything available.

During this process some things may be a little quirky, some pages may not work temporarily, I will be addressing these as I notice.

You are seeing the new server now

If you notice any weird quirks or pages that aren’t loading, please leave me a comment on this post so I can get any issues resolved as quickly as possible!

Update 10:15PM EST: I think most everything is working, still tracking down some instability that is causing random 502 errors, Might have solved that, if the site is down in the morning then I guess we’ll know it wasn’t actually fixed!

The store stuff is temporarily gone, I will re-enable that after the stability issues are worked out, I don’t want anyone halfway through a purchase and have any issues.

Update 5/27/2024: I’ve corrected some issues with links to images, I will keep checking for problems and repair as needed, aside from those minor issues we’re fully migrated, and on much newer, scalable system that is saving money now, and should we see huge growth, is easy to increase capacity.

One Comment on “Migrating website”

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